Pemanis pengganti gula untuk pengidap diabetes

Ada di kalangan pengidap diabetes yang tidak mampu menahan kehendak selera makan dan minum seperti tidak mengalami apa-apa penyakit. Mereka tidak mengikut diet yang disarankan oleh doktar supaya dapat mengawal kandungan gula dalam darah. Tanpa memikirkan akibatnya, tabiat pemakanan yang tidak sihat tetap sukar di kawal. Semua ini banyak di kaitkan dengan makan yang disediakan untuk mereka adalah tawar berbanding sekeliling mereka.

Namun dengan penemuan beberapa sumber pamanis yang dapat menggantikan fungsi gula adalah dapat membantu masalah lebih-lebih lagi mereka yang tidak mampu menahan selera. Paling tidak makan itu ada la sedikit rasa. Mana tidak nye, untuk menelan kena lah melalui anak tekak dulu.

Dua pemanis tersebut ialah daun stevia dan ekstrak tebu hitam asli dan telah pun berapa di pasaran untuk terus di gunakan.

  1. Produk daun stevia.
    Produk berasaskan daun stevia telah di pelbagaikan mengikut kerperluan pengguna. Terdapat beberapa produk daun stevia di pasaran seperti:

    Stevia Sugar Corporation

    Produk seperti Surevia, Surevia Stevia Drop, Dr Sweet Tea, Cafevia Coffee and Dr Sweet Stevia Goat Milk.

    Stevia Sweet

    Produk seperti gula My Stevia dan produk berasaskan Jus dan cordial campuran stevia berperisa buah-buahan.
  2. Pati tebu hitam asli

    Produk berasaskan tebu hitam asli yang telah di ekstrak dan di tapis sehingga hampir tiada kalori, kolesterol, karbohidrat dan saccharine. Ia selamat untuk pengidap diabetes.

    P3 Sweetener Global

    Produk pengganti gula in telah diperkaya dan dipelbagaikan seperti P3 Sweetener, P3 Sweetener berperisa dan Nano Sugar Granulates.


You can control diabetes and prevent or delay the complications by consuming Glucoscare Herbal Tea daily.
This tea consist of Gymnema Sylvestre known as Gurma means "Killer of Sugar" and Camellia Sinensis known as "Green Tea". By combining Camellia Sinensis with Gymnema Sylvestre will have synergistic effects in reducing blood sugar, weight, choloesterol, prevent cancer and many other helath benefits.

Advantages of Glucoscare Herbal Tea
  • Reduced cholesterol
  • Control Sugar in blood
  • Diabetes patience might not take medicine after drinking Glucoscare Herbal Tea in a period.
  • Helped recuperation of wounds
  • The sight was more clear
  • Could slim your body
  • Gave the energy to return your capabilities and activeness
  • Helped the man in sexual activity
  • Did not give the side effect

Preparation of Glucoscare Herbal Tea.

EASY and FAST. It could SAVE your time and liked to be carried out easily for your lasting health

  • Brew each teabag (2.5g) with min of 700ml to 800ml freshly boiled water in a thermal flask or tea pot and then waits for about 15 to 20 minutes before drinking.
  • Always drink the tea hot and lukewarm but not too cold. Do not drink it when it is left over night or with ice.
  • Drink a minimum of 2 to 3 teabags but do not exceed 8 teabags daily.

Energetic Person

Name: Cik Norhayati
Profession: Clerk

Blood Sugar Level Before and After Drinking
a) Before : 21 mmol/L
b) After : 6 mmol/L

Before drinking Glucoscare Herbal Tea, my blood sugar was between 16-21 mmol/L with slight blur vision, tired and drowsy easily. I often feel lethargic and sleepy. After consuming 2-3 sachets of the tea daily for about 1 to 2 months, my blood sugar went down from 21mmol/L to 6mmol/L. To my surprise after drinking Glucoscare Herbal Tea, I do not feel sleepy or tire easily anymore. Now I am very happy with the improvement and will continue to use the Glucosecare Herbal Tea.

Let's Drink Herbal Tea


Tindak balas/kesan selepas minum GlucosCare:

a) Selalu berkencing

b) Gejala atau tanda-tanda mengeluarkan toksik-toksik.

c) Merasa sedikit dahaga